inclusion chocolate stacked on top of each other with a pink background

7 Game-Changing Food Inclusion Market Trends

In the ever-evolving world of confectionery and baked goods, food inclusions have emerged as a critical driver of product innovation and consumer appeal. These ingredients, ranging from simple additions like freeze-dried fruits to more complex elements such as flavoured chips or caramel pieces, are reshaping our industry and creating new opportunities for manufacturers and consumers alike.

But what exactly are food inclusions?

In the food industry, inclusions are ingredients added to enhance flavour, texture, and visual appeal. They play a crucial role in product differentiation, especially in sectors like confectionery, ice cream, cereal bars, and baked goods. These can come in various forms:

Latest food inclusion market trends

As we delve into the latest trends, it’s clear that understanding market place developments is crucial for staying competitive and meeting evolving customer demands. Let’s explore seven key trends that are redefining the food inclusion landscape:

1. The Visual Feast: Instagram-Worthy Creations

In today’s digital age, the adage “we eat with our eyes” has never been more relevant. The trend for food and drinks that are Instagram-worthy continues to rise, making visual appeal a top priority for manufacturers.

As Jonny Forsyth, Director of Mintel Food & Drink, aptly puts it, “Food and drink companies are vying to capture the limited attention of consumers in an over-crowded digital landscape. To succeed in the ‘attention economy’, brands must find creative ways to stand out and engage each new generation of foodies.”

Manufacturers are increasingly looking for vibrant colours and distinctive shapes for both inclusions within and toppings for food and drink products. But this visual trend goes beyond mere aesthetics. It’s about creating a multi-sensory experience that engages more than one sense. Inclusions and decorations offer a triple benefit: visual appeal, flavour, and texture. 

For instance, gold-coated dragees have become popular in premium desserts and confections, offering a touch of luxury and visual excitement. Other examples include:

By focusing on visually striking inclusions, brands can create products that not only taste great but also look spectacular, helping them stand out in the crowded “attention economy.”

bright coloured cupcake on a blue cake stand

2. Plant-based revolution: Beyond health claims

The rise of plant-based diets has created a significant demand for innovative plant-based inclusions. However, this trend is evolving beyond mere health and ethical considerations. Today’s plant-based consumers are seeking a wider range of flavours, indulgence, and innovative eating experiences.

This shift presents a golden opportunity for brands to create plant-based inclusions that deliver on both indulgence and ethical credentials. Some examples of this trend in action include:

By focusing on creating plant-based inclusions that offer exciting flavours and textures, manufacturers can capture a growing segment of the market that values both indulgence and plant-based credentials.

plant based cupcakes with inclusion toppings

3. Premium Indulgence: The Lipstick Effect in Action

Economic uncertainty doesn’t mean consumers stop treating themselves. In fact, it often leads to what’s known as the “lipstick effect” – where people compensate for reduced spending in other areas (like holidays or eating out) by indulging in small luxuries, such as premium food products.

This trend is reflected in the growing demand for high-quality, batch-by-batch produced inclusions, often featuring all-natural ingredients. These premium inclusions allow manufacturers to create indulgent, luxury products that command higher price points.

Examples of premium inclusions might include:

By incorporating these high-end inclusions, brands can create products that offer a sense of luxury and indulgence, even in challenging economic times.
freeze dried fruit inclusions

4. Texture Revolution: A Multi-Sensory Experience

Texture plays a crucial role in consumer experience, and the industry is responding with inclusions that offer unique sensory experiences. The goal is to create memorable, multi-sensory experiences for consumers.

Some innovative textures making waves in the inclusion market include:

Interestingly, nostalgia has a significant role to play in this trend. Across generations, consumers are attracted to flavours that remind them of their childhood. In fact, 39% of consumers in the US express an interest in the “grandma trend,” with choices linked to older generations.

This nostalgia factor is particularly relevant in times of stress, as consumers look to food for moments of relaxation and escapism. Inclusions like toffee, honeycomb, and caramel are perfect for delivering indulgence while evoking comforting flavours and memories of simpler times.

nougat popcorn inclusion

5. Clean Label: Simplicity Reigns

The clean label trend continues to gain momentum, with consumers scrutinising ingredient lists more closely than ever. This is driving demand for inclusions made from simple, recognisable ingredients.

Inclusions free from artificial colours and flavours are gaining prominence across all sectors, from ice cream to baked goods. In fact, 53% of UK ice cream consumers are interested in ice cream with all-natural ingredients.

By focusing on clean label inclusions, manufacturers can appeal to health-conscious consumers without sacrificing flavour or texture.

6. Sustainability: The Rising Priority

While comfort has been a stronger motivator than sustainability in recent years, this dynamic is changing. As the effects of the climate crisis become more apparent, consumers are beginning to prioritise sustainable choices.

This shift is particularly noticeable among Gen Z and millennials, who are challenging brands to deliver on both ethical commitments and sensory appeal. The trend is pushing brands to become more transparent about their sustainable and ethical sourcing practices.

Examples of this trend in action include:

By incorporating sustainably sourced or produced inclusions, brands can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers while still delivering on taste and texture.
A vegan donut with caramel paste and honeycomb pieces.

7. Chocolate Alternatives: Meeting Demand Amid High Prices

With chocolate prices reaching record highs in April 2024 and production declining by 11%, manufacturers are seeking clever alternatives. This trend is particularly significant given that consumer demand for chocolate remains high despite the price increases.

Inclusions are proving to be an ingenious solution, offering visual and flavour cues that satisfy chocolate cravings without such reliance on the increasingly expensive cocoa bean. Some examples include:

These alternatives allow manufacturers to create products that still deliver the chocolatey experience consumers crave, while managing costs in the face of rising chocolate prices.

The Future of Food Inclusions

The global food inclusion market is growing, driven by increasing demand for innovative confectionery, bakery, and dairy products. Europe currently dominates this market, holding a 48.23% market share in 2023. This leadership position is attributed to the region’s strong baking tradition and the presence of numerous renowned confectionery manufacturers.

As we look to the future, trends highlight the importance of balancing innovation with consumer desires for indulgence, sustainability, and clean labels. Manufacturers must stay attuned to these evolving preferences to create products that not only meet current demands but also anticipate future needs.

The challenge – and opportunity – for brands lies in leveraging these trends to create unique, appealing products.

This might involve combining multiple trends, such as developing a visually striking, plant-based, clean label inclusion. Or it could mean focusing on premium, sustainably sourced inclusions that offer both indulgence and ethical credentials.

In this ever-changing landscape, food inclusions are more than just ingredients – they’re the key to creating memorable, multi-sensory experiences that keep consumers coming back for more. They offer a way for brands to differentiate their products in a crowded market, add value, and meet evolving consumer demands.

As we navigate these trends, the question for manufacturers becomes:

How will you use food inclusions to create your next game-changing product?

Will you focus on visual appeal to capture the Instagram generation? Will you incorporate innovative plant-based inclusions into your recipes to capture the growing vegan market?
Maybe you’ll create premium, sustainably sourced inclusions that appeal to environmentally conscious consumers seeking a touch of luxury?

Whatever direction you choose, one thing is clear: food inclusions will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of the food industry. By staying informed about these trends and thinking creatively about how to apply them, manufacturers can position themselves at the forefront of innovation, ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow’s market.

To stay ahead, why not browse our range, or get in touch with our sales team who will be happy to help you find the perfect inclusion for your application.


Here at OV, we are leading specialists in confectionery, ingredients & decorations. Our diverse range of ingredients, confections and decorations provides endless, inspiring solutions for your business. Discover our extensive portfolio of products here, suitable for use across a broad range of applications, and available across the globe.

Two cubed crossiants, one covered in a pink coating and drizzled with chocolate, the other plain with a light pink drizzle and dried raspberry pieces.
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